As a parent of a child with autism, I would spend (and still do) many hours researching about resources in my area for my son. Because finding the right support can make a world of difference, not only for my son but the family as a whole.
From therapies to in-home support, the resources available can be overwhelming and, at times, difficult to navigate.
The good news is that every state in the U.S. offers various state-funded programs specifically designed to support individuals with autism and their families.
If you are looking for a brief introduction of what every state has to offer an autism family, then you have come to the right place! Let’s dive in!
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Why It Is Important to Research Autism Resources In Your State?

These resources can provide everything from early intervention services for young children to ongoing support for older individuals with autism.
Whether you’re just beginning your journey after receiving a diagnosis or are looking for additional support as your child grows, understanding the state-funded resources available can help you make informed decisions and access the help you need.
In this post, we’ll explore some of the key state-funded autism resources across the United States, offering a brief overview of the services you can tap into.
The goal is to empower you with information so that you can find the best support for your child, ensuring they have the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential.
Resources By State

It’s always a good thing to research what is available in your state. Some families may decide to move due to this reason and go somewhere that they know they will find more resources and support for their family.
Let’s take a look.
1. Alabama
The Alabama Department of Mental Health offers support through the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) initiative, providing access to diagnostic evaluations, treatment planning, and coordination of care services.
The state also offers Medicaid waiver programs, like the ID/LAH waiver, which includes support services for children and adults with autism.
2. Alaska
The Alaska Autism Resource Center provides resources and support to families affected by autism. The state’s Developmental Disabilities Program offers Medicaid waiver services that include respite care, family support, and individualized service plans for children and adults with autism.
3. Arizona
Arizona’s Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) offers services for individuals with autism through its Medicaid program, including habilitation, respite care, and behavioral health services.
The Arizona Autism Coalition also provides resources and support to families.
4. Arkansas
Arkansas Medicaid offers the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act TEFRA program, which allows children with autism to qualify for Medicaid based on their disability rather than family income.
“is a Medicaid program that can help families with children younger than 19 years old who have a disability and receive care in their homes rather than an institution.”
The state also provides services through its Division of Developmental Disabilities Services, including respite care and community-based support.
5. California
California provides comprehensive services through Regional Centers (Department of Developmental Services), which offer diagnostic assessments, service coordination, and various support services tailored to the needs of individuals with autism and their families.
The In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program also provides in-home care for eligible individuals.
I wrote a blog post on my experience getting approved for IHSS and Protective Supervisions for my son, and how I am my own provider. You can get paid to stay home and take care of your autistic child. “IHSS Autism. Everything You Need to Get Approved“.
6. Colorado
Colorado’s Office of Early Childhood offers early intervention services for children with autism under three years old.
The state also provides support through the Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waivers, offering respite care, behavioral therapy, and supported living services.
7. Connecticut
Connecticut’s Department of Developmental Services offers services to individuals with autism, including in-home support, vocational training, and family support.
The state’s Medicaid Autism Waiver program provides additional support for eligible individuals, focusing on community integration and independent living.
8. Delaware
Delaware’s Division of Developmental Disabilities Services (DDDS) provides case management, respite care, and day programs for individuals with autism.
The state also offers the Pathways to Employment program, which helps young adults with autism transition into the workforce.
9. Florida
Florida’s Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) provides support services through programs like the iBudget Waiver, which offers in-home care, day programs, and behavior therapy for individuals with autism.
The state also has early intervention services for young children through the Early Steps program.
10. Georgia
Georgia’s Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities offers services for individuals with autism, including the NOW/COMP waivers, which provide respite care, community living support, and behavioral therapy.
The Autism Plan for Georgia also provides resources and information to families.
The Georgia Autism Initiative, “is the statewide coordination and delivery of services that improve capacity for early intervention, family coaching and support, transition planning, and provider training for infants and youth with ASD from birth to 21 years of age and their families.”
11. Hawaii
Hawaii’s Department of Health Developmental Disabilities Division provides services for individuals with autism, including case management, adult day programs, and respite care.
The state also offers early intervention services through its Early Childhood Services program.
12. Idaho
Idaho’s Department of Health and Welfare provides services for individuals with autism through the Idaho Behavioral Health Plan, which includes Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy.
The state also offers Medicaid waiver programs that provide in-home support and community integration services.
13. Illinois
Illinois’ Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) offers services through Medicaid waivers like the Children’s Support Waiver and Adult Waiver, providing in-home support, behavior therapy, and job training.
The Autism Program of Illinois (TAP) offers additional resources and support for families.
14. Indiana
Indiana’s Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services provides support for individuals with autism through Medicaid waivers, including the Family Supports Waiver and the Community Integration and Habilitation Waiver. These programs offer services like respite care, behavior support, and employment training.
15. Iowa
Iowa’s Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waivers provide support for individuals with autism, including in-home care, day programs, and supported employment.
The Iowa Autism Council offers additional resources and support for families and professionals.
16. Kansas
Kansas’ Autism Waiver provides services for children diagnosed with autism, including ABA therapy, respite care, and parent support and training.
The state’s KanCare program offers additional support services for individuals with developmental disabilities.
17. Kentucky
Kentucky’s Supports for Community Living (SCL) waiver provides in-home support, day programs, and respite care for individuals with autism.
The Michelle P. Waiver also offers services to individuals with developmental disabilities, focusing on community-based support.
“Participants in the MPW program can choose to have their non-Medical, non-residential services delivered by a traditional provider agency, hire their own employees, or a combination of both. This is called Participant Directed Services (PDS). “
18. Louisiana
Louisiana’s Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities offers services through Medicaid waivers, including the Children’s Choice Waiver and New Opportunities Waiver, which provide in-home support, respite care, and vocational training for individuals with autism.
19. Maine
Maine’s Department of Health and Human Services offers support through its Developmental Services program, providing case management, in-home support, and day programs for individuals with autism.
The state also has Early Intervention Services for young children.
“The Child Development Services system is an Intermediate Educational Unit that provides both Early Intervention (birth through two years) and Free Appropriate Public Education (for ages three through five years) under the supervision of the Maine Department of Education. The CDS system ensures the provision of special education rules, federal and state regulations statewide, through a network of regional sites.”
20. Maryland
Maryland’s Developmental Disabilities Administration offers services for individuals with autism, including residential support, day programs, and respite care.
The state’s Autism Waiver program provides additional support, focusing on in-home care and family training.
“The Autism Waiver (AW) is designed to provide community-based, long-term, person-centered therapeutic services and support to eligible children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to enable home and community living as an alternative to institutional care.”
21. Massachusetts
Massachusetts’ Department of Developmental Services (DDS) provides support for individuals with autism through the Adult Autism Waiver and Children’s Autism Medicaid Waiver, offering in-home support, respite care, and behavioral therapy.
The state also provides early intervention services through the Massachusetts Early Intervention program.
“We serve Massachusetts families with children under the age of three who are not reaching age-appropriate milestones, diagnosed with certain conditions, or have medical or social histories which may put them at risk for a developmental delay. EI services are meant to help support families and caregivers and to enhance the development and learning of infants and toddlers.”
22. Michigan
Michigan’s Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) provides support for individuals with autism through the Habilitation Supports Waiver, offering in-home care, respite care, and behavioral therapy.
The Autism Benefit program provides access to ABA therapy and other support services.
“Coverage of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services is provided for Medicaid eligible children under 21 years of age who are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and who meet medical necessity criteria. ABA is a Medicaid covered service under the Behavioral Health Treatment “umbrella” within the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) benefit.”
23. Minnesota
Minnesota’s Department of Human Services offers services for individuals with autism through the Developmental Disabilities Waiver and Consumer Support Grant, providing in-home support, respite care, and day programs.
The state also offers early intervention services through the Help Me Grow program.
“Help Me Grow provides resources for families to understand developmental milestones and learn if there are concerns. This helps families take the lead in seeking additional support or referring their child for a comprehensive, confidential screening or evaluation at no cost.”
24. Mississippi
Mississippi’s Department of Mental Health provides support for individuals with autism through the Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities Waiver, offering in-home support, day programs, and behavior therapy.
The state also offers early intervention services through the First Steps program.
25. Missouri
Missouri’s Division of Developmental Disabilities offers services for individuals with autism through the Comprehensive Waiver and Community Support Waiver, providing in-home support, respite care, and job training.
The state also offers early intervention services through the First Steps program.
26. Montana
Montana’s Department of Public Health and Human Services offers support for individuals with autism through Medicaid waivers, including the Developmental Disabilities Program, which provides in-home support, day programs, and respite care.
The state also offers a variety of Early Intervention Services. For example, Montana Milestones for young children.
There is also the Early Childhood and Family Support services.
27. Nebraska
Nebraska’s Division of Developmental Disabilities offers services for individuals with autism through the Comprehensive Developmental Disabilities Waiver, providing in-home support, respite care, and day programs.
The state also has early intervention services through the Early Development Network.
“It provides early intervention services for families with children birth to age three with developmental delays and/or health care needs and connects families to needed services.”
28. Nevada
Nevada’s Autism Treatment Assistance Program (ATAP) provides support for individuals with autism, including ABA therapy and respite care. The state’s Medicaid waivers also offer services for individuals with developmental disabilities, focusing on in-home support and community integration.
29. New Hampshire
New Hampshire’s Bureau of Developmental Services provides support for individuals with autism through Medicaid waivers, including the In-Home Supports Waiver and Developmental Disabilities Waiver, offering in-home support, respite care, and day programs.
The state also offers early intervention services through Family-Centered Early Supports and Services.
30. New Jersey
New Jersey’s Division of Developmental Disabilities offers services for individuals with autism through Medicaid waivers, including the Supports Program and Community Care Waiver, providing in-home support, day programs, and supported employment.
The state also offers early intervention services through the Early Intervention System.
31. New Mexico
New Mexico’s Developmental Disabilities Supports Division offers services for individuals with autism through Medicaid waivers, including the Developmental Disabilities Waiver and Mi Via Waiver, providing in-home support, respite care, and day programs.
The state also offers early intervention services through the Family Infant Toddler Program.
“ECECD’s Family Infant Toddler program can connect you with local experts to provide a free evaluation to see if your child is experiencing developmental delays or disabilities, or could be at risk. After the evaluation, the FIT provider will talk to your family about whether your little one could benefit from special therapies and supports called Early Intervention.”
32. New York
New York’s Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) offers a range of services for individuals with autism, including residential support, day programs, and in-home care.
The state also provides early intervention services through the Early Intervention Program, which offers therapy and developmental services for children under three.
“To be eligible for services, children must be under 3 years of age and have a confirmed disability or established developmental delay, as defined by the State, in one or more of the following areas of development: physical, cognitive, communication, social-emotional, and/or adaptive.”
33. North Carolina
North Carolina’s Innovations Waiver provides support for individuals with autism, including in-home care, respite care, and supported employment.
The state also offers early intervention services through the North Carolina Infant-Toddler Program, focusing on developmental services for young children.
34. North Dakota
North Dakota’s Department of Human Services offers support for individuals with autism through Medicaid waiver programs, including the Traditional I/DD Waiver and Autism Spectrum Disorder Waiver, providing in-home support, respite care, and day programs.
The state also offers early intervention services through the Right Track Program.
35. Ohio
Ohio’s Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) offers services for individuals with autism through Medicaid waivers, including the Individual Options Waiver and Level One Waiver, providing in-home support, day programs, and respite care.
The state also offers early intervention services through the Early Intervention Program.
36. Oklahoma
Oklahoma’s Department of Human Services offers support for individuals with autism through the Home and Community-Based Waiver Services, including in-home support, day programs, and respite care.
The state also provides early intervention services through the SoonerStart Program.
“SoonerStart is Oklahoma’s early intervention program designed to meet the needs of families with infants or toddlers (ages birth to 3 years old) with developmental delays and/or disabilities in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).”
37. Oregon
Oregon’s Department of Human Services provides support for individuals with autism through Medicaid waiver programs, including the Community First Choice Option and the K Plan, which offer in-home support, respite care, and day programs.
The state also offers early intervention services through the Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education (EI/ECSE) program.
38. Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania’s Office of Developmental Programs offers services for individuals with autism through Medicaid waivers, including the Consolidated Waiver and Person/Family Directed Support Waiver, providing in-home support, day programs, and respite care.
The state also offers early intervention services through the Early Intervention Program.
39. Rhode Island
Rhode Island’s Division of Developmental Disabilities offers support for individuals with autism through the Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports program, providing in-home support, day programs, and respite care.
The state also offers early intervention services through the Early Intervention Program.
40. South Carolina
South Carolina’s Department of Disabilities and Special Needs offers services for individuals with autism through Medicaid waivers, including the Intellectual Disability/Related Disabilities Waiver, providing in-home support, respite care, and day programs.
The state also offers early intervention services through the BabyNet program.
41. South Dakota
South Dakota’s Department of Human Services provides support for individuals with autism through Medicaid waiver programs, including the CHOICES Waiver and Family Support Waiver, offering in-home support, day programs, and respite care.
The state also offers early intervention services through the Birth to Three program.
42. Tennessee
Tennessee’s Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities offers services for individuals with autism through Medicaid waivers, including the Employment and Community First CHOICES program, providing in-home support, day programs, and supported employment.
The state also offers early intervention services through the Tennessee Early Intervention System (TEIS).
43. Texas
Texas’ Health and Human Services (HHS) provides support for individuals with autism through Medicaid waiver programs, including the Home and Community-based Services (HCS) and Texas Home Living (TxHmL) waivers, offering in-home support, day programs, and respite care.
The state also offers early intervention services through the Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) program.
44. Utah
Utah’s Division of Services for People with Disabilities offers support for individuals with autism through Medicaid waiver programs, including the Community Supports Waiver and the Physical Disabilities Waiver, providing in-home support, respite care, and day programs.
The state also offers early intervention services through the Baby Watch Early Intervention Program.
45. Vermont
Vermont’s Developmental Disabilities Services Division provides support for individuals with autism through Medicaid waiver programs, including the Home and Community-Based Services Waiver, offering in-home support, day programs, and respite care.
The state also offers early intervention services through the Children’s Integrated Services (CIS) program.
46. Virginia
Virginia’s Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services offers services for individuals with autism through Medicaid waiver programs, including the Community Living Waiver and Family and Individual Supports Waiver, providing in-home support, day programs, and respite care.
The state also offers early intervention services through the Infant & Toddler Connection of Virginia program.
47. Washington
Washington’s Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) provides support for individuals with autism through Medicaid waiver programs, including the Individual and Family Services Waiver and Basic Plus Waiver, offering in-home support, day programs, and respite care.
The state also offers early intervention services through the Early Support for Infants and Toddlers (ESIT) program.
48. West Virginia
West Virginia’s Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities provides support for individuals with autism through Medicaid waiver programs, including the Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities Waiver and Children with Serious Emotional Disorder Waiver, offering in-home support, respite care, and day programs.
The state also offers early intervention services through the Birth to Three program.
49. Wisconsin
Wisconsin’s Department of Health Services offers services for individuals with autism through Medicaid waiver programs, including the Children’s Long-Term Support (CLTS) Waiver and Family Care Waiver, providing in-home support, day programs, and respite care.
The state also offers early intervention services through the Birth to 3 Program.
50. Wyoming
Wyoming’s Department of Health provides support for individuals with autism through Medicaid waiver programs, including the Comprehensive Waiver and Supports Waiver, offering in-home support, day programs, and respite care.
The state also offers early intervention services through the Early Intervention and Education Program.
To Summarize

Searching for Autism Resources for parents can feel very overwhelming at first but just know that there are resources out there!
This is a very introductory list of resources but it’s simply to get you started.
These resources offer a wide range of support services tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals with autism and their families.
It’s always a good idea to contact your state’s specific agency or program to learn more about the eligibility requirements and services available to you.
I personally live in California and I write about our journey. Join us 🙂
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