If you are reading this post then you have heard about lowering cortisol naturally and the impact high cortisol can have on the body. Anything from affecting how we sleep, our mood, and ability to even think. You are not alone! And, it’s important to know that.
I too suffer from high cortisol symptoms and that’s why I ended up doing some research to help myself feel better and at the same time help others.
If you are interested in lowering your cortisol levels and start feeling better, then welcome and let’s dive in!
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What Is Cortisol And What Is It Good For?

Cortisol is commonly known as the body’s “stress hormone”.
With that information you can imagine why a high amount of cortisol in the body is not a good thing.
The main purpose of cortisol is to help us fight or flee a particular situation. Therefore, all of our energy and attention go to that one task while putting everything else our body needs on “hold”.
A quick example would be that as you are experiencing high cortisol you may at the same time be experiencing a hard time going to the bathroom (aka: constipation). Mainly because your body is tense and can’t relax.
Have you ever had a trip where you are anxious about getting to the airport, making the flight on time, getting to the right connecting flight, and then getting transportation to your hotel. It’s exhausting. In between all of this traveling your anxiety and nerves are sky high causing you to forget to eat/drink, go to the bathroom, and poor sleep (if any). This will certainly have an impact on how we feel.
But most important of all, it has an impact on our immune system.
Who hasn’t gotten sick after a stressful event?
Common Symptoms Of High Cortisol Include:
What are my cortisol levels telling me:

From a medical standpoint:
- Cushing Syndrome: occurs when the cortisol levels are very high and constantly stay there. In other words the brain doesn’t shut off cortisol production and is not able to self regulate. Click here to learn more.
- Addison’s Disease: is when the body doesn’t produce enough cortisol. You may feel tired all the time, it can affect your muscle tone, and other health issues. Click here to learn more.
Please make an appointment with your medical team if you have symptoms that persist over time and are concerned about your health.
How To Lower Cortisol Naturally

Here are a few things you can start incorporating into your daily routine to help with lowering your high cortisol levels.
Reminder: it’s always best to start slow and build up from there. It’s not a race, think of it more like a life long marathon.
1. Slowing Down

This is easier said than done.
As moms, we are constantly thinking in the present and the future about everything that needs to get done.
Tasks around the house (cooking, laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, fixing things, making appointments, doctor visits, gardening, and the list goes on)
Tasks that our kids need: school, clothes, food, activities, friend play dates, doctor visits, and so much more.
And if we have any energy left, what we need for ourselves.
No wonder our cortisol levels are through the roof and we fell exhausted all the time. If we wrote down everything we do and take a look at it, it would overwhelm anyone.
So how to fix it?
Scheduling & Creating a Plan For Yourself

What works for me is to slow down. And the only way I can do that is by making a plan. I write things down: what is urgent, what is necessary now and what can wait for later.
Then I plan out days for each task.
For example:
- Mondays: are for calling and making appointments. If you need to check up on doctor appointments, make sure the plumber is coming over, calling to see if your glasses are ready to be picked up. Anything and everything.
- Tuesdays: for grocery shopping and anything that requires going to a store. My “shopping day”.
- Wednesdays: Laundry and cleaning bathrooms.
- Thursday: Vacuum day and cleaning kitchen and common rooms.
- Fridays: get all play dates in order to enjoy the weekend.
- Saturdays: play dates and get gas for the week
- Sundays: try to rest and relax.
Thats more or less my schedule. This way I know I will get the most important things done white also not getting overwhelmed trying to do everything at the same time.
A system works. I even pencil in rest and reading time.
Free Digital Download Planner Template
I’m including this FREE digital download planner template in case you don’t have one and want to get started on creating a schedule for yourself.
2. Exercise

Getting your body moving is an excellent way to decrease cortisol.
I’m not talking about high intensity workouts, that is the opposite of what we are looking to achieve. The goal is to LOWER cortisol. It has to be something LOW impact and relaxing.
Something as simple as walking around the block while listening to music will do the trick.
You can do low intensity workouts like at home pilates while watching a youtube video or listening to your favorite podcast.
It all comes down to being something you enjoy, this way you are able to de-stress.
3. Connect With Nature

Research has shown that being in nature and listening to things such as bird songs can help reduce your blood pressure and cortisol levels. Click here to read more.
You don’t need to take a road trip to a far away place. Simply by opening your window and allowing the sounds of nature come in. Or, going to your local park and enjoy your time relaxing can do the trick.
This is also why people talk about reconnecting with nature and give examples like walking barefoot on grass as a way to ground yourself and destress.
4. Diet

It’s going to me impossible to feel better if you have a poor diet.
And, I’m not saying to get rid of all the stuff you enjoy! Because thats unrealistic and setting yourself up for failure and abandoning ship.
No, its about creating small and realistic goals and sticking to them.
As you start to feel better it will naturally be your inspiration to keep on going. But, small steps to begin with.
For example: Maybe getting a small coke instead of a large. Then transition to water or something with less sugar. If you crave the bubbles, go for carbonated water or flavored water.
bubly Sparkling Water: is a greta example of a carbonated drink but zero sugar added.
CELSIUS® On-the-Go Powder Sticks: are another good option when you want something to add to your water.
Slow and easy wins the race.
5. Sleep

This is a big one but also a hard one. At least this one was hard for me. I’m a very light sleeper and the slightest sound would wake me up.
As part of my game plan (that worked) I’m currently using a combination of a sound machine that plays brown noise AND my Loop Quiet ear plugs.
This way when my ear plugs weren’t blocking out all of the sound, what I would hear was the brown noise and therefore this would allow me to keep sleeping. Now I get better continuous sleep and even though it’s not perfect, I do feel more rested.
Loop Quiet Ear Plugs: These work great and since they are made of silicone, they are easy to wash (reuse) and comfortable to wear while sleeping.
Magicteam Sound Machine: has a large selection of different noises to choose from to allow you to get better sleep.
You just have to do what works for you.
Bedtime Routine

Other people have to start setting a sleep time routine to get the mood just right.
In other words no more Tv and Screens after a certain time in the afternoon, allowing for the body to naturally start calming down and getting ready for rest.
This is a great time to take a warm shower or get in the bathtub for a good soak.
Organic Chamomile Tea: is a great addition to any bed time routine.
Om Mushroom Superfood Relax: Reishi Mushrooms, Ashwagandha, GABA, L-Theanine, Magnesium which are great for reducing stress in the body.
6. Dopamine Decore

This is a great way to increase dopamine (happy hormone) by how you style your home.
You know the saying turning a house into a home, well this is kind of what it’s aiming at. It’s creating a space that brings you joy and peace while your in it.
When you surround yourself with things (paintings, furniture, wall colors, beddings, plate designs) that simply bring you joy you immediately start to feel less stressed.
And, while doing something you like you lower your levels of cortisol.
It’s a win-win.
7. Dopamine Dressing

Follows the same principal as dopamine decore, but with how you dress.
If you put on something you feel pretty and confident in, then you naturally feel less stressed.
Now, I’m not saying to go out and get a whole new wardrobe. But, it’s probably time to take an honest look at your closet and see what things bring you joy and what things should probably vacate your home.
Clothes do carry energy. If we are wearing something we don’t like, consciously or unconsciously we feel it. And the same goes for when we are wearing something we really like.
So go through your closet, try and figure out what your fashion style is and go with that.
Are you someone that enjoys a more romantic look (floral dresses and such), or a more business casual, etc.
You can also look into what is your color palette is so you can incorporate pieces that falter your skin tone.
For example: I’m a soft autumn / soft summer. Knowing this I know I have to stay away from colors like red because it simply does not flatter me. While an olive green or blush pink looks great.
COLORWISE.ME is and easy and fun way you can find out your color pallete.
8. Do Fun Things For Yourself.

We tend to forget about our own needs because we are constantly making sure everyone else is ok. But when was the last time you did something nice for yourself?
Self care can be anything you find enjoyable. This could be gardening, skin care routine where you listen to music while relaxing while wearing a face mask, or going to the sauna and sweating the stress away.
DERMAL 24 Combo Pack A Collagen Essence Korean Face Mask: a great way to pamper yourself.
24k Gold Under Eye Patches: for dark circles and puffiness.
There is no right or wrong. It’s all about what you ENJOY doing.
If you are having fun then you will naturally lower your stress levels.
You can’t be happy and sad at the same time.
To Summarize

cortisol is there for a reason, but when the balance is gone then we encounter problems.
I’m always an advocate for making a plan but with realistic goals.
Don’t go to amazon and immediately start buying all the things…. First figure out what YOU like, that works for YOU, and then slowly start incorporating it into your routine.
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Works Mentioned
- Smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment reveals mental health benefits of birdlife. Nature.com
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